Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Biggest Myth About Gmat Essay Writing Samples Exposed

The Biggest Myth About Gmat Essay Writing Samples Exposed 1 aspect where the capacity of humans may initially be regarded as a case of deteriorating minds is the usage of net and mobile phones. Choosing our service, you will understand that studying can be simple if you gain from the help of competent experts. Describe some tasks which you have accomplished over the last two years which do not have any connection to academic studies. As you've already understood, it calls for some distinctive skills including the capacity to allow an in-depth research and analytics. Ruthless Gmat Essay Writing Samples Strategies Exploited Bridget's essay is extremely strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. For example, a lot of the success of your essay depends upon how well you may grab the reader's attention right in the beginning of the paper so the reader can't help but wish to become through the remainder of the essay. The author starts with a ra ther comprehensive story of an event or description of an individual or place. He must search for some solid evidence. Before you're ready to choose a compelling essay topic, first you've got to know why there's an essay in the exact first spot. Locate your own sentence and utilize it each time you compose an essay. Write a great introduction, and the remaining portion of the essay will flow very naturally. The admissions essay a part of the application that may make you stand out as. Up in Arms About Gmat Essay Writing Samples? The increasing number of essay writing services is totally overwhelming. You don't have to give writers any personal info. Ultimately, practicing can help you get used the structure you should employ to be successful on your GMAT essay. Do a bit of research before you get started writing. Use single spacing at this time, so you can see more writing on the paper simultaneously. Your introduction shouldn't be long. This section consists of two examples of fantastic college essays. You're able to read more on the subject of the different citation styles at this site. What Is So Fascinating About Gmat Essay Writing Samples? The scenario will always be shown in the very same form. You won't be requested to write about a particular topic so much as you'll be requested to respond to a certain scenario. In the event the scores differ by more than 1 point, an expert human reader will intervene and determine the last score. Get any kind of an academic or company paper done. It's very valuable to take writing apart to be able to see just the way that it accomplishes its objectives. The very first challenge is to work out the way to offer technology users with some direly-needed direction. While no portion of the GMAT ought to be neglected, the AWA is the base of the the GMAT totem pole with respect to your MBA application. The GMAT is not testing your capacity to decide on the proper side of a problem. It is not easy to make an original essay as it needs a lot of time and knowledge. Inside this introduction, every thing that should be said has been said. So, it's absolutely critical to make that very first impression. You should have your reasons, and our principal concern is that you wind up getting a great grade. There is an immense difference between 9 and 31. This point is anyways not regarding the money saving measures the writer is speaking about. Be cautious not to make your very first paragraph uninformative for instance, a single example with no extra information is not going to be sufficient to convince others of your position. There isn't any reason to reinvent something which works. Cost-free printable lined writing paper for children. Printing has made life a good deal easier. Gmat Essay Writing Samples Secrets That No One Else Knows About Whenever you opt to ask us for skilled aid, don't hesitate to get in touch with our support managers. This conclusion is much too strong, and thus the request for funding isn't well justified. Otherwise, you're most likely to fail the undertaking. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

How To Research Latino Ancestry and Genealogy

Indigenous in areas from the southwestern United States to the southern tip of South America and from the Philippines to Spain, Hispanics are a diverse population. From the small country of Spain, tens of millions of Spaniards have emigrated to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Central and South America, Latin America, North America, and Australia. Spaniards settled the Caribbean islands and Mexico more than a century before the English settled Jamestown in 1607. In the United States, Hispanics settled in Saint Augustine, Florida, in 1565 and in New Mexico in 1598. Often, a search for Hispanic ancestry leads ultimately to Spain but is likely that a number of family generations settled in the countries of Central America, South America or the Caribbean. Also, as many of these countries are considered melting pots, it is not uncommon that many individuals of Hispanic descent will not only be able to trace their family tree back to Spain, but also to locations such as France, Germany, Italy, Eastern Europe, Africa, and Portugal. Begin at Home If youve spent any time researching your family tree, this may sound cliche. But the first step in any genealogy research project is, to begin with, what you know - yourself and your direct ancestors. Scour your home and ask your relatives for birth, death and marriage certificates; old family photos; immigration documents, etc. Interview every living relative that you can find, being sure to ask open-ended questions. See 50 Questions for Family Interviews for ideas. As you collect information, be sure to organize the documents into notebooks or binders, and enter the names and dates into a pedigree chart or genealogy software program. Hispanic Surnames Most Hispanic countries, including Spain, have a unique naming system in which children are commonly given two surnames, one from each parent. The middle name (1st surname) comes from the fathers name (apellido paterno), and the last name (2nd surname) is the mothers maiden name (apellido materno). Sometimes, these two surnames may be found separated by y (meaning and), although this is no longer as common as it once was. Recent changes to laws in Spain mean that you may also find the two surnames reversed - first the mothers surname, and then the fathers surname. Women also retain their maiden name when they get married, making it much easier to track families through multiple generations. Know Your History Knowing the local history of the places where your ancestors lived is a great way to speed up your research. Common immigration and migration patterns may provide clues to your ancestors country of origin. Knowing your local history and geography will also help you determine where to look for the records of your ancestors, as well as provide some great background material for when you sit down to write your family history. Find Your Familys Place of Origin Whether your family now lives in Cuba, Mexico, the United States or another country, the goal in researching your Hispanic roots is to use the records of that country to trace your family back to the country of origin. Youll need to search through public records of the place where your ancestors lived, including the following major record sources: Church RecordsThe records of the Roman Catholic church represent one of the best sources for locating a Hispanic familys place of origin. Local parish records in Hispanic Catholic parishes include sacramental records such as baptisms, marriages, deaths, burials, and confirmations. Particularly valuable are marriage records, in which the town of origin is frequently documented for the bride and groom. Many of these records are kept in Spanish, so you may find this Spanish Genealogical Word List to be helpful in translation. A vast majority of these Hispanic parish records have been microfilmed by the Family History Library in Salt Lake City and you can borrow the ones you need through your local Family History Center. You may also be able to obtain copies by writing directly to the local parish where your ancestors lived.Civil or Vital RecordsCivil registration is the record kept by local governments of the births, marriages, and deaths within their jurisdictions. These records provid e excellent sources for information such as the names of family members, dates of important events and, possibly, the familys place of origin. In the United States, more recent vital records are usually maintained at the state level. In general, civil records date back to the early 1900s in the United States; 1859 in Mexico; 1870s-1880s in most Central and South American countries; and 1885 in Puerto Rico. Civil or vital records are typically kept at the local (town, village, county or municipal) level in the local court, municipal office, county office or Civil Registry office. Many have also been microfilmed by the Family History Library (see church records).Immigration RecordsA number of immigration sources, including passenger lists, border crossing records, and naturalization and citizenship records, are also useful for identifying the place of origin of an immigrant ancestor. For early Spanish emigrants, the Archivo General de Indias in Seville, Spain, is the repository for Sp anish documents dealing with the Spanish colonial period (1492-1810) in the Americas. These documents often include the birthplace of each individual recorded. Ship arrivals and passenger lists provide the best documentation of immigrants who came to the Americas after the middle of the nineteenth century. These records, kept at major North, Central, and South American ports, can usually be found in the National Archives of the country in question. Many are also available on microfilm through your local family history center. Tracing your Hispanic roots may, eventually, lead you to Spain, where genealogical records are among the oldest and best in the world.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Standardized Testing Should Be Limited - 1233 Words

Laneya Cornelius Ceci Lewis Eng-101 Nov-14-16 When in Doubt, Pick â€Å"C† Standardized tests were originally made to accurately measure student achievement, but the emphasis on standardized testing today makes students hate school, they become discouraged when they don’t pass the test. Standardized tests waste money, they cause teaching to the test, the high stakes tempt cheating, and they are full of errors (Kamenetz). The Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of standardized testing is a test (as of intelligence, achievement, or personality) whose reliability has been established by obtaining an average score of a significantly large number of individuals for use as a standard of comparison. Testing creates a limited scope of learning and success, only measuring specific areas like reading, writing, and math, rather than a full picture of children and how they learn, including creativity, collaboration skills, drive, social skills, etc. Standardized testing should be limited. Students should not have a test to determine if we get in to the school we want. It causes unnecessary stress on students and teachers. Some teachers will get paid an unfair amount if there students fail the test. Standardized tests also do not effectively measure a student’s achievements. Everyone learns differently so then why do we all take the same exact test. Students are denied a diploma if they don’t pass a test, regardless of grade point average or other evidence of scholarly achievementShow MoreRelatedStandardized Testing As A Government Requirement Should Be Limited2199 Words   |  9 Pagesobjectives are carried out. One major issue being discussed is standardized tests. Standardized tests are tests that require all students taking the test to answer the same set of questions, so it can be scored equally in every state or county that is taking it. These tests are meant to test a student’s knowledge and understanding, but over the past few years that is not the case. Standardized testing as a government requirement should be limited because not all assessments truly test student learning andRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Standardized Testing800 Words   |  4 PagesStandardized tests are not for everyone. Some students are naturally good at taking tests, while others struggle. These tests start as early as the third grade. Students should not have to worry about their fu ture being determined by a test. Standardized testing also causes many problems to some students, such as lowering their confidence level. Schools and teachers have started protests, refusing to participate in in-school testing. †Anti-testing protest is extending beyond Seattle. Across theRead MorePros And Cons Of Standardized Testing1647 Words   |  7 PagesTherefore , standardized testing was made to see how much intelligence a person has on a topic .However standardized tests don’t measure how people learn in a classroom . standardized testing is not a good way to test students because tests don’t measure an individual intelligence , tests should not be used to determine funding for school , the teachers cheat on the tests to protect the students ,and its ethically wrong to give a lot of standardized tests to kids . Teachers should take anRead MoreStandardized Testing: Socialism in Education737 Words   |  3 PagesStandardized Testing: Socialism in Education Standardized testing has become a yearly fixture in classrooms around the United States. Legislation such as No Child Left Behind holds educators and administrators responsible for the learning of students. One way to assess this learning is through the use of a standardized test, the results of which can be compared to a predetermined benchmark. I believe it’s a good idea to hold educators accountable for the work they perform in the classroom andRead MoreStudent Assessment - The Importance of Standardized Testing Essay1149 Words   |  5 PagesThe point here is that standardized testing is necessary to evaluate students and programs achievement or ability. In my opinion it is a good basic start to understanding the development of human- kind in many aspects. For example, in a school setting, standardizing tests are used to measure developmental stages or reading levels, just to name a few. School Psychologist and Counselors use standardizing testing to look at the devel opment of students. They will agree severe disabilities to be initiallyRead MoreHigh School Graduation Rate Is The United States861 Words   |  4 Pageshave contemplated why this dramatic change has occurred, and who, or what is to blame. Looking more in depth at standardized testing, and examining educator, parent, and student viewpoints in the areas of pressure, awareness, and kfgndfng can give us negative and positive viewpoints, and a possible answer to this controversial question. Through the eyes of the educator, standardized testing comes with major pressure and fear. According to a study done by the National Education Association, who surveyedRead MoreAre Standardized Tests a Valid Measurement of Student Learning?1358 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Standardized testing is one of the most passionately debated education topics in America† (Baxter, pg. 1). They became much more prevalent after the 2002 No Child Left Behind Act mandated annual testing across the United States. Standardized tests are used to assess students and teachers, however some people object the idea that the performance on a single test is a valid measure of what a student has learned, or what their teacher has taught them. In this paper I will argue that relying solelyRead MoreStandardized Testing Is Negatively Affecting The Quality Of Education Essay1467 Words   |  6 PagesStandardized Testing Takes Its Toll On Education According to Linn, â€Å"Americans have had a love-hate relationship with educational testing†, and the controversies on the use of standardized tests will probably continue long after the twenty-first century (29). How can people see the ‘love’ in this use of testing that has negative long-term effects on students? Why should the controversies live on beyond this modern century? Standardized testing is negatively affecting the quality of education givenRead MorePros And Cons Of Standardized Testing1126 Words   |  5 PagesEliminating Standardized Testing The practice of using standardized testing by schools over many years as a way of measuring student’s abilities and understanding of the material is slowly starting to change. Some schools in the New York State are shortening the test period to increase the class time as it â€Å"take(s) up too much class time, both in days of testing and in test preparation† (HARRIS). The student is usually given a limited time to complete a scantron-based test which will later be usedRead MoreEssay On Standardized Testing856 Words   |  4 PagesProfessor Donnie Faltesek 30 November 2017 Standardized Testing Standardized tests have historically been used as measures of how students are compared with one another or how much of a particular curriculum they have learned throughout the semester. Consequently, standardized tests are being used to make major decisions about students, such as grade promotion or high school graduation, and higher education evaluation. Many people consider standardized testing as an objective way of grading a student

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marcus Garveys Influences - 1086 Words

Marcus Garvey s influences America has a long history of discrimination against non-white peoples. White Americans are responsible for the eradication of Native Americans from their native lands, and for the importation of Black people from Africa for enslavement. Today racism is not even close to what it had been 150 years ago, when slavery was still legal; however the changes have come gradually. The Harlem renaissance was a pivotal time for the recognition of black culture in the US, and Marcus Garvey emerged as a strong and cunning political leader. During the Harlem Renaissance, Marcus Garvey was instrumental in defining the black identity in the World, and the fundamental basis of this goal was black self-determination. From†¦show more content†¦This means that Garvey sought to position a stronghold of blacks in Africa. There was a movement with which Garvey participated called the Back to Africa movement. The purpose of Back to Africa was to send blacks to Africa in order to claim the continen t as a possession of its native black peoples, and was not to be claimed by imperialism (Stein 14). This movement did not really amount to much, although it represented another of Garvey s ideas for blacks to gain their own power. If a unified African state was formed, it would need a government, and Garvey s views on government were unique. He believed that a perfect government was possible. Garvey placed utmost importance on the integrity of the leader of the Government, and believed that the leader must be infallible and under the constant scrutiny of those over which he governs. If the leader is found to be a good representative then they will be rewarded with honors in the presidential honor roll; If, however, the leader is found to the contrary, he should be publicly disgraced. (Garvey). This method of scrutinizing a leader ensures that he will be respected and trusted by his people in order to ensure the strength of the government. Garvey was not the only influential black leader in the US at the time of the Harlem renaissance. Booker T. Washington had very similar views to Garvey s concerning self determination. W.E.B. Dubois was theShow MoreRelatedThe Movement Of The Negro World1407 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction In a decade’s time, Marcus Moziah Garvey entered United States, at the age of 28, and cultivated the American Negro through his oratory that is seen as the awaken of Black Nationalism. Garvey’s work does not end in America, he’s efforts were world-wide but not limited to Africa to Nova Scotia, and South America. It has been stated that Garvey raised more money and grew a membership than any other Negro organization to date. Coined as the Black Moses, Garvey’s stated â€Å"I know no national boundaryRead MorePan Africanism and Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. 1161 Words   |  5 PagesMarcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr was a Jamaican political leader who accomplished many things within his lifetime. He was a well-known publisher, entrepreneur, journalist, Black Nationalist, as well as Pan-Africanist. Pan Africanism is the idea that all African American people possess a common cultural legacy extending from Africa. In saying this, all African Americans should work together in maintaining the culture and removing expatriate power. Marcus Garvey was important because he aided in inspiringRead MoreEssay On Marcus Garvey1022 Words   |  5 PagesMidterm Marcus Mosiah Garvey, the Visionary Roosevelt Hawkins, Jr Black Political Social History Dr. Luckett October 11, 2017 Roosevelt Hawkins Black Political and Social History Marcus Mosiah Garvey, the Visionary Who is arguably the father of 20th century Black Nationalism? Some may think of the leader W.E.B. Dubois or even Malcolm X as being the father. Truth be told, the term â€Å"Black Nationalism† boils down to one person. Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr is his name. He was the youngestRead More Marcus Garvey and the African-American Civil Rights Movement1202 Words   |  5 PagesMarcus Garvey and the African-American Civil Rights Movement The 1920’s were a period of struggle for African-Americans. Slavery was abolished, but blacks were still oppressed and were in no way equal to whites. However, at this time blacks were starting to make some progress toward racial equality. The Harlem renaissance started the first real sense of African-American culture through art, jazz, dance, and literature. There was also at this time the beginning of strong African-American movementsRead MoreMarcus Garvey : A Renowned Civil Rights Activist1661 Words   |  7 PagesHistory II Prof. Bobo 2/18/16 Marcus Garvey is a renowned civil rights activist, who pushed for the betterment of the African people across the globe. Marcus was a very influential figure in his time, he came from humble beginnings. Marcus Garvey was born on 17 August 1887 in St. Ann s Bay, St Ann Parish, Jamaica, to Marcus Garvey Sr and Sarah Jane Richards. Garvey was the youngest of 11 siblings, but only himself and one of his sisters survived to adulthood. In Garvey’s youth he proved to be a brightRead More Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. Du Bois Impact the Fight for Racial Equality1050 Words   |  5 PagesMarcus Garvey and W.E.B. Du Bois Impact the Fight for Racial Equality The beginning of the early twentieth century saw the rise of two important men into the realm of black pride and the start of what would later become the movement towards civil rights. Both Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. Du Bois influenced these two aforementioned movements, but the question is, to what extent? Marcus Garvey, born in Jamaica, came to the United States on March 23, 1916 to spread his program of race improvementRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s The Fire Next Time 901 Words   |  4 Pagesthrough the meaning of acceptance, he writes to his nephew about what he has to do in the society he lives in to cope with living as a black person in America. Baldwin’s influences through the church and through religious backgrounds attained him the ability to relate his ideas of racism in society. An example of his religious influences was how he mentioned that his peers in the Harlem ghetto looked to drugs, prostitution, work and sometimes the church. Instead of following in his peers footsteps heRead MoreEssay about Marcus Garvey752 Words   |  4 PagesMarcus Garvey â€Å"Final Exam† Marcus Garvey, was born in Jamaica in 1887 and is considered to be the father of the Black Nationalism Movement. During the early 1900’s, after reading Booker T. Washington’s Up From Slavery, Garvey pledged to organize Blacks throughout the world with an agenda of Black unity and pride. Moreover, Garvey achieved his greatest influence in the Untied States where there was a growing ambition among Blacks for justice, wealth, and a sense of community. From theRead MoreCross Cultural Psychology - A Case Study On Marcus Garvey Essay1488 Words   |  6 PagesCross Cultural Psychology – A Case Study on Marcus Garvey Introduction to African History Black people in the Western Hemisphere have in the past lacked the ability to represent their tales to their own selves, from their point of view in museums. The fact that African Universities, such as 14th century Djenne University of Timbuktu, had numerous volumes of manuscripts and books, the black kids in the Western Hemisphere were under the impression that Africans written history didn’t exist thereforeRead MoreGarvey vs. Du Bois1980 Words   |  8 PagesThe Common Difference’s of Elitism Vs. Nationalism The often fierce ideological exchanges between Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. Du Bois are interesting, not as much because of the eloquence of their expression, as because of the fact that although outwardly contradictory, these ideologies were often unified at their foundation. This unity was not simply in terms of the broad and obvious intent to better the conditions of â€Å"black folk†, it was in terms of the very details that defined the trajectory and

Taking a Look at the Juggalo Subculture - 943 Words

The Juggalo subculture is a very unique one with many differing factions that have been around for 20 years. They are a nonviolent group that started in the mid-1990s with the ascent of popularity of the band Insane Clown Posse. They are an interesting and diverse subculture with many unique traits and means of expressing themselves. A Juggalo is someone who is a die-hard fan of the Insane Clown Posse or any group from the Psychopathic Records label. It’s a spinoff of the punk subculture, making it an even more exclusive and tightly knit group. The term Juggalo started in 1994 at an Insane Clown Posse concert and has ballooned as an identifier and widely recognized name. Many Juggalos have tattoos identifying themselves with their â€Å"Juggalo names.† The names are personal identifiers that range from sugar bear to demon clown, showing the diversity of people represented in the Juggalo lifestyle. This group split off of the punk subculture as a more extremist faction. They are the hardcore side of punk, often representing the drug culture and the violent punk Juggalo sub faction. They are objecting to the â€Å"preppy† side of America. They view themselves as outside of the mainstream because of their face paint and attitude that goes against the â€Å"mainstream culture† The group members often get tattoos with their â€Å"Juggalo names† and other Juggalo tattoos. They also wear face paint to look like scary clowns, usually black and white to emulate the Insane Clown posse’s style. Their

Logic and the Meaning of Life Essay Example For Students

Logic and the Meaning of Life Essay In approaching the meaning of life we have to examine the nature of meaning itself. Meaning is by definition the point, or the intended goal. Consider the point of humans and the universe as seen from monotheistic religion. If life and the universe is some sort of toy or form of entertainment for some prime mover, his point, his own entertainment, would then be the meaning of humans and the universe. Consider the goals of the deities of various cultures. Some strive for a balance between the forces of good and evil. This balance seems to simply be a choice of the deity, the way he thinks it ought to be. The concept of a prime mover as a source of the meaning of life is flawed, because in talking about an actual point to absolutely everything, we are simply considering the goals of a being more powerful than ourselves who has chosen one of many possible goals that humans can conceive of. This is to say that, if a god like this exists, his goal for life and the universe is not necessarily valid as a meaning of life, the universe, and himself. For instance, the Bible claims that the Christian deity created the universe and placed humans in it that they might be in awe of his power. If this is so, why is worship the correct response? The meaning of the universe as created by God is the entertainment of God, but what is the meaning of the larger system containing God and his creations? We could conceive of an even primer mover, but that simply takes us all the way back into the wall of infinite regression. When I first read the Bible, it struck me as neutral on the idea of worship. The Bible flat out tells you that God created humans so that they would be in awe of him, which amounts to saying God created us to inflate his ego. We are to God as our pets are to ourselves, sources of unconditional love. In the book of Job, God essentially makes a gentlemans bet with Satan that Jobs worship is genuine and not inspired by Gods kindness. In other words, you throw a rock at my dog and Ill swing my arm so it looks I threw it, and well see if he still comes when I call him. In the end, Job is not simply the dog, because he questions Gods throwing of the rock. Gods response is consistent with his goal of inspiring awe. Even though the idea of a bet with Satan is well within Jobs grasp, God claims that his purpose was inconceivable to Job. God is simply fortifying the concept that is critical to the continuance of human worship: that with inconceivable power comes incredible intelligence and unknowable purpose. The narrator of the Bible, which is supposedly God himself, speaking through humans, never directly says that he should be worshipped. This is merely the interpretation of humans, who may be created in Gods image with one crucial difference, the need to worship. Perhaps then, God is after the meaning of life. Imagine a being so powerful as to be able to create and mould the universe, who, like Roman and Greek gods, is only marginally more intelligent than his creations. Perhaps God, in all his ridiculous power, cannot change himself. In order to find the meaning of his own existence he creates the human race so that we might evolve to an intelligence greater than his own, in much the same way that a computer programmer wishes to create true AI, an intelligence greater than human, which might evolve within a computer. We are given the title of pet and the instinct of worship while the creator waits for a companion in the search for meaning. .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec , .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec .postImageUrl , .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec , .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec:hover , .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec:visited , .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec:active { border:0!important; } .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec:active , .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udd5ea4afca6f144293b22745792f1eec:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: None Provided21 Essay PaperOf course this is wrong, or I would have been struck by a lightning bolt during that last sentence and brought to Gods side. Or perhaps God is not aware of his own success yet, or perhaps I am not the first to uncover Gods purpose, and my predecessor is debating meaning with God as we speak. Or perhaps I .

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Contemporary Hospitality Issues in Australia †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Contemporary Hospitality Issues in Australia. Answer: Introduction The hospitality sector of the Australia has been growing rapidly with the recent recovery of the economy. In this situation, it is crucial for the hotels to manage the operation cost in a proper way (Cetin et al., 2017). However, due to wasteful practice and high expenses, the profit margin of the hospitality sectors decreases. This is a big concern for the hospitality sectors in the recent years. The hospitality sectors face many unavoidable operation costs such as labor cost, insurance cost, higher energy cost and the brand standards. In order to minimize the operating cost, it is the prime duty of the hospitality sectors to track and manage the cost. This study deals with the operating cost in the hospitality industry and its effect on the business. However, the function of the technology to reduce such cost will be addressed in this section. Discussion Energy cost is a major operating cost in the hospitality sectors. However, energy consumption is increasing in the hospitality sectors due to inappropriate management of the energy saving process. However, a huge proportion of the profitability spends in managing high-energy cost in the hospitality sectors. Heating, cooking, lighting, hot water production, air conditioning, and ventilation are the major causes of high-energy cost in the hospitality sectors (Bokhoree, Balnac Mohee, 2017). However, during the winter season, the heating cost is too high in the hotels, which affects the profitability of such business sectors. High insurance is another big factor that increases the operation cost in the hospitality sectors. However, in order to protect the property, the hospitality sectors establish insurance policy. This insurance policy includes property insurance, staff insurance, and income insurance. However, often the staff claims for their health insurance if the safety is affecte d during their work. In the recent years, the insurance cost is too high that enhances the operation cost. Labor cost is a big factor in the rising operation cost in the hospitality industry. As per the statistical data, the labor cost in Australian hospitality sectors is increased from 32.3% to 34.8% in the year 2009 (Dev, Hamilton Rust, 2017). However, such rising labor cost affects the service of as well as the profitability. Often the hospitality needs to hire expertise from the different countries to enhance their service that is another cause of the rising labor cost. The organization needs to provide payroll related expenses, which is considered as the employee benefit. This cost includes paid time off, retirement plan and mill. Thus, it is difficult for the hotel managers to control such labor cost. Brand standard is another factor of the rising operation cost in the hotels. In order to compete with the other organizations the hospitality industries invest for the brand standard. The hospitality industries try to maintain the luxury standard and to locate their hotels in a crowde d city, which increases their operation cost. In order to provide the luxury service such as food, beverage, banqueting, concierge service and parking the hospitality sectors invest more (King Perry, 2017). As a result, they face the high cost of the brand standard. Electricity is considered as the major utility expense as it comprises 60% of the total expenditure in hospitality sectors (Hospitalitynet.org, 2017). Providing service and water is the largest utility cost includes 23.8%. The service of the hospitality sectors and water supply is associated with the consumption of the fuel and steam. The fuel consumes 10.6% and steam consumes 2.3% of the energy in a hotel industry. For this reason, energy management is necessary and it can be done by taking the energy conservation programs. Different energy conservation programs like avoiding the overheating corridors and the bedrooms. This will be helpful to reduce the operation cost. On the other hand, the hospitality sectors must have good control over the heating process. The hotels need to ensure that the leaking taps are repaired in a proper way and the pipeworks are insulated properly. It is crucial for the hotel to avoid operating the cooling and heating system in a simultaneous process. Ins tallation of the day light sensor also enables the hotels to conserve energy. Moreover, creating awareness among the staffs enables the hospitality sectors to reduce the high-energy cost (Lee, Oh Hsu, 2017). High insurance cost leads the hotels towards the bankruptcy or closure of the industry. The hospitality industries need to accomplish unemployment insurance, medical insurance, disability insurance and business insurance. Apart from this worker compensation is associated with the medical insurance that the hotels need to cover (Hua Yang, 2017). Food-borne illness liability is another insurance that often affects the economy of the hospitality industries. Cyber liability occurs if the breach of information occurs during the management of data. Labor cost is the big part of the hospitality industries that lead the organization to face high operation cost. In the recent years, the labor cost is increasing rapidly, which affects the profit margin of the business. Apart from the labor cost maintenance of the brand standard, also affect the business profitability (Dev, Hamilton, R., Rust, 2017). High energy cost, insurance cost, labor cost and brand standards have both negative and positive impact on the hospitality industries. However, high consumption of energy in the hospitality sectors facilitates the high operation cost. In the recent years, the energy cost has been increasing in the hospitality sectors, which leads to the industry and the business practice to face negative effect. Electricity and the water supply include the major utility cost in the hospitality industry. It has been found that the gas and fuel cause the major utility expenses. In the year 2014, the gas and fuel expenditure is increased up to 5.2% (Hospitalitynet.org, 2017). The high cost of the energy leads the hospitality industry to cut back on the services that affect their business practice. On the other hand, they have to increase the service charge, which may be helpful to manage their profitability. However, often the high price of the service leaves the negative impact on the business as custo mer number begins to decrease due to the high cost of the service. The hotels are considered as the energetic black hole if the energy consumption is not managed properly. However, due to the food safety issue the hospitality industries are not able to cut back the service quality, which is another reason for the price rise (Xu Chi, 2017). Such high price of the energy often leads the business to face huge loss and the hospitality industry compels to close their service. Hospitality sectors often face issues in their operation cost due to high insurance cost. However, for the well-organized hospitality industries, they need to maintain the Healthcare Act. For this reason, the hospitality sectors have to provide staff compensation during any health injury in their work (Tan, 2017). As a result, the employees can claim money for their health injury at any time, which often leads the organization to face difficulties. Hence, the cost of claims is too high for the organization if major injuries occur with the employees. The organization may face legal issues if they are unable to provide the insurance cost. Food borne illness liability is another insurance policy that gives benefits to the customers. However, if the staffs serve contaminated food to the guest they become sick as a result, the organization has to ensure the liability cost that is a big loss for the organization. Premises pollution liability occurs if the guests become sick due airborne po llutants cost (Nicholas Steyn, 2017). This increases the operation cost and affects the brand image of the hospitality sectors. Business insurance is beneficial for the hospitality sectors as it protects the business from any kind of external financial loss, expensive loss and disaster. Cyber liability the hospitality sectors may face legal obstacle due to the breach of guests personal information that often occurs due to the inappropriate data management system (Trustedchoice.com, 2017). Adoption of cyber liability protection resists the hospitality sector to give a penalty for the breach of information. The above insurance policies need to be maintained by the hospitality sectors, which hits their profit margin. The high cost of the labor facilitates the high operation cost in the business. However, in the competitive labor pool, there is the shortage of the skilled labor (Chrisman, Devaraj Patel, 2017). As a result, the labor cost is rising in the business industry. In the context of hospitality industries, they have to provide more salary to the employees in order to retain them. In the recent years, there is a huge competition in the hospitality sectors. An ongoing competition regarding hiring the skilled employees leads the organization to provide high scale salary to reduce the employee turnover. High labor cost harms the profit margin of the business and as it is associated with the increasing of the operation cost. Labor union is another factor of high labor cost as the strike is very common to increase the salary in a business industry. On the other hand, the hospitality sectors have to provide the fringe benefit to the employees excluding their salary (Bloomfield et al., 2017). As for example, medication cost, car service is included in the fringe benefit. These are provided by the organization to make the employees more flexible in their work. These extra charges create difficulties for the organization as if the organization fails to keep these then they face high turnover. On the other hand, to keep these policies the hospitality sectors may face excessive loss in their business. Apart from this, often the hospitality sectors have to provide visa cost to hire skilled employees from the different countries cost (Nicholas Steyn, 2017). However, this may be helpful for the industry to enhance their productivity and improve the service. On the other hand, this includes an additional cost in the operating cost as the immigrants claim a high salary for their work and visa. Brand standard contributes a good proportion of the operation cost. In order to increase the service of the hotel industry, the hospitality sectors invest more in their service (Bridgman, 2017). Therefore, an increased amenity is another reason for the rising operation cost in the hospitality sectors. In order to gain the competitive advantages in the global market, the hospitality sectors try to provide high-quality service, which includes high investment. This enhances the operation cost, however; it improves the brand image of the organization. Due to the increased level of competition in the global market, the hospitality sectors try to make their business unique, which requires more investment in the business. However, the industry faces a negative impact on the high operation cost due to maintain the quality of their service. In order to improve the brand image the organization needs to face the increased level of operation cost. This will enable the hospitality sectors to sati sfy their customers (Bhowmick Prasad, 2017). However, often to maintain the quality service the hospitality sectors lead to close their business due to a huge loss. They need to increase their service cost, which may decrease the number of customers. As a result, the entire profitability is decreased. Technology plays an important role in reducing the operation cost in the business. However, automation process reduces the operation cost by replacing the manual handling process (Whitaker, Ekman Thompson, 2017). Investment of green technology is helpful for the hospitality sectors to reduce the energy cost. They can use renewable energy sources to reduce the use of natural gas. Therefore, use of CFL and LED light are the gifts of new technology that is effective to reduce the energy consumption and high energy cost in the hospitality sectors (Nicholas Steyn, 2017). On the other hand, using automation process the labor cost can be reduced in the hospitality sectors. Use of modern technology such as technologically advanced equipment the work can be done within less time and by using fewer workforces. Conclusion The above piece of work reveals the different reasons of increasing operation cost in the business. However, labor cost, high insurance cost, business standard cost and the high cost of energy are the major reasons of the rising operation cost. However, the high cost of the energy is a big barrier of the hospitality industries as it hits the profit margin. On the other hand, the hospitality industry needs to hire the skilled employee from the foreign country this is another factor of high operation cost in the business. 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